Hey, I'm Macky (he/him) and I’m a 6th year from Gonville & Caius! I'm keen on bringing out the potential of talented students, who may benefit from access programmes!
Co-President 2022-23 &
MedSoc Access Officer
Hi everyone! I’m Arefin 3rd year Medic at St John's College! I have a strong passion for access as I know how beneficial and life changing it was for me and I hope I can have that same effect on others too!
Co-President 2022
Hi, I’m Matilda (she/her) and I’m a third year medic at Trinity College. Widening access programmes made a huge difference in my confidence when applying for medicine so I hope I can do my bit to help others in their journey!
Hi, I'm Pravinija (she/her) and I'm a second year medical student at Selwyn college! Currently, I am trying to learn to make more exciting meals as I now realise having pasta most days can get boring!
Hi, I'm Yasmin (she/her) and I'm a 4th year medic at Gonville & Caius College. I'm really passionate about demystifying the application process for students from a wide range of backgrounds. In my spare time I like to listen to music!
Publicity Officer
Hello, My name is Elizabeth (she/her) and I am a third year at Queens’. Access to medicine is something I feel very passionate about and I want to make sure people have access to the resources needed to have an equal chance at medical school.
Graduate Officer
Hello! I’m Cory, a 4th year medic on the graduate course studying at Wolfson college. I’m excited for my role in improving access to medicine, particularly for those with a previous degree!
Graduate Officer
Hi, I’m a second-year medic at St Edmund’s College. I’m passionate about medical education and making sure talented students applying to Cambridge receive necessary resources regardless of their background.
General Committee Member
Hi everyone! I am a third year medic at Fitzwilliam college and, having experienced the huge benefits widening access programmes can offer first hand, I am very passionate about doing my part to help out :)
​​General Committee Member
Hi, I’m Pooja (she/her) and I’m a second year at Selwyn! I’m looking forward to helping to make medicine at Cambridge more accessible, and meeting new people along the way :)
​General Committee Member
Hi, I'm Winnie and I'm a fourth year at Trinity Hall :) Having experienced the benefits of an access programme myself, I'm excited to help as many students who are in the same position!
​General Committee Member
Hi! I'm Safa, a second year at Downing. Having benefitted greatly from CamWAMS myself before applying, I'm a keen to help anyone interested in medicine :)
​General Committee Member
Hi, I'm Yasmin (she/her) and I'm a second year medical student at Emmanuel College. After attending some amazing access open/taster days at Cambridge when I was applying, I can't wait to get involved in organising some myself!
​General Committee Member
Hi, I’m Arzoo and I am a second year medical student at Jesus College and looking forward to working with all of you!
​General Committee Member
Hey! I'm Hermione (she/her), a third year medic at Trinity. Doing my part in improving access to medicine is important to me. I spend a lot of my free time on the beach back home with my 4 dogs!
​General Committee Member
Hi, I’m Dylan (he/him) and I’m a third year at Downing College. Talking to current Cambridge students/ reps when I was in sixth form really inspired me to apply. I’m really looking forward to helping others in their journey applying to medical school!
​General Committee Member
Hi, I’m Cecilia (she/her). I’m a 5th year medical student at King’s originally from London. I’m passionate about widening access to Cambridge and Medicine specifically.
Associate Committee Members
Associate Committee Member & CamWAMS Co-President 2022
I'm Kieran (he/him) a 3rd Year medic at Clare! When I'm not working on access stuff I love bouldering. I try to make Cambridge as welcoming as possible!
Associate Committee Member & CamWAMS Co-President 2021
I'm Natasha (she/her) a FY1 previously at Selwyn! I'm originally from Leeds.
Associate Committee Member
I'm Dan, a FY1, previously a medic at Magdalene, originally from the Wirral (near Liverpool). When I'm not on the wards I'm probably doing/running a quiz somewhere, or tinkering with a spreadsheet.
Associate Committee Member
Hi, I'm Shannon and I'm a FY1, previously a 6th year medical student at Churchill College from a state comprehensive school in Brighton!
Associate Committee Member
Hi, I am a FY1, previously a medical student at Gonville and Caius College. I went to school in a little town called Wymondham but my family is originally Egyptian. I am passionate about making Cambridge Medical School as accessible as possible!